Friday, 11 February 2011


The History of Dance – A Multi-Media Film Project
A dance project with a difference! 

Walsall YOF have funded this fantastic project that will give young people in Walsall a chance to delve deeper than deep into the History of Dance and create a super multi-media film fusing photogrpahy, creative writing and movement to create a a resource that captures their experiences and shares their new found knowledge.

The project will explore dance styles and genres through a range of periods from across the world!

"From Jazz to Ballroom; Belly Dance to Street!"

We’d like to explore how dance has influenced people’s lives throughout the ages and how it has a huge place in nearly every culture across the globe. No matter what colour, creed, religion or race – DANCE touches peoples’ lives!

If you're interested in getting involved or you'd like to find out more - get in touch! We'd love to hear from you! Call us on 01902 307000!

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