Wednesday 16 June 2010

Creative Partnerships Project @ Rood End

Urban Voice have been delivering a Creative Partnerships Project at Roodend Primary School in Oldbury for the past 3 weeks.

In our last blog post regarding this project we spoke about our first 2 workshops. In this post we are going to be focusing on our third workshop with the pupils.

Last week we asked each group to go away and collect as much information as they could on the culture that their story was from. The four cultures that the groups are studying are:

* Innuit
* Norwegian
* Chinese
* Aboriginal

All the children worked really hard over the week on this given task. So this week, we were presented with loads of facts about each culture.

Thank you guys! It's really going to help us when we are scripting our stories.

Here is some of the information that the pupils found out about the Chinese culture:

Here is some of the information that the pupils found out about the Aboriginal culture:

We treated this week as a sort of mini audition for the pupils. It gave us a chance to see the confidence levels within each group.

Next week we will be working from scripts. Parts will be handed out and we will be getting down to rehearsing!

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