Friday, 2 August 2002

Brinsford Young Offenders Prison "It's Only a Game"

Working in collaboration with the inmates from Brinsford Young Offenders Institute, Urban Voice devised a short piece of drama focusing on football culture. The performers in question were encouraged to produce their own work with Urban Voice as a guide. The inmates also had the opportunity to work with a professional musician to create an original sound track. The final piece was performed to their peers as a successful and unique work.

"I was amazed to find that lads were taking away scripts and poetry to their cells ready to learn for their next session. The boys are often wary of outside influences, and I think gave Urban Voice a run for their money on the first couple of sessions. To their credit, urban Voice managed to create a complete turn around, and got something from them that surprised us all."
Llinos Williams, Education Lecturer, Brinsford Prison